The Health Salvage

Freezing moments in life..

A few months ago I had a bike accident…Feel really stupid about it. 

It did shook my balance..which I am working on for the last 10 years or so.

It was on a sunny (Mon)day, I was biking on my Vintage(1976) road bike, enjoying my fast ride listening to nature and amazed by the scenery. In a blink of an eye the music in my ears stopped and all went black. Waking up to the voices of two strangers helping me stand up and into their car while asking me if I am okay looking at me with strange eyes…me wondering what happened, feeling light headed, one eye shut, blood rushing through my veins, not really feeling “inside” my body… Worrying about my bicycle. The two sweet men were even collecting all my broken belongings and bike, putting them in their not soo big car. Making clear they are taking me to the hospital. 

During the ride I am trying to understand what happened, feel one tooth is broken and another one is pulled out of it’s socket…. Putting water on my shirt to release the burning sensation in my painfully swollen face-everything Feels like a movie- One of the men asking me if I am ok and saying;” it is ok to cry you made a hard smash”. Me; ashamed, not wanting to show any emotions, letting my husband know I am on my way to the hospital and that I don’t want him to see me looking like this..Knowing my husband will see my message when arriving home, which will take him another 30 some minutes. Arriving at the hospital, secretary asking ;”do you have an appointement?” such a strange question to hear at that moment.. Whithin minutes a nurse came to help me to a room. Seing myself for the first time in the mirror; so many thoughts went through me; what the f did I do?, I look like crap, what will my husband saymixed emotions. All alone, wondering if my husband will come- knowing my husband hates hospitals. A few scans later the doctor came to the conclusion my hand is broken in 2 places and I will need a cask and due to the complication and location it will have to be operated on. Angry, sad; such bad timing to go through this right now, though it never is a good moment ofcourse.

Walking out of the hospital checking my bike, to understand what happened. Seing the condition of my bike; my wheel blocked due to 5 broken spokes. 

Sweet people We are so fragile. Enjoy every day appriciating the little sunny rays in life!!

And take care of yourself body&mind!!

What doesn’t break you makes you stronger!!

Healthy hugs,


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2 thoughts on “Freezing moments in life..”

  1. Renata Szewczyk

    Hallo Daniella,

    It was definitely a very difficult time for you. How are you after the bike accident?
    Did you come back to live?

    1. Hi Renate!

      Thank you for your msg!
      Have a new dashboard, just see your msg…

      My flexibility and positivity helps me through less fun times, happy with all the little coloring rays in my life!!

      Hope you are in good serenity and health!!??

      Helathy Greetz,
      The Health Salvage

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